What is Sarms?

2 Min Read

Sarm stands for ‘selective androgen receptor module’ in Turkish. I will explain why it is called that.

When anabolic steroids are used, they bind to all kinds of receptors because they cannot act as selective andogens, so there is a possibility of side effects such as hair loss, prostate enlargement and cessation of natural testosterone production, but since Sarms are selective, they only bind to receptors in muscle and bone tissues, preventing negative side effects. This is why it is called a selective androgen receptor module.

Since Sarms are not as harmful as steroids and prohormones today, their popularity is increasing day by day. It is true that Sarms have no known side effects, but there is no scientific proof, and research is still ongoing in many laboratories today.

Benefits to be seen when using Sarms;

Power gain
Increase in lean mass
reduction in fat percentage
Mass increase


Anabolicum (LGD-4033)
Andarine (S4)
Cardarine (GW-501516)
Ibutamoren (MK-677)
Ostarine (MK-2866)

In the light of all this information, the conclusion is that if you want gains without side effects, you can use Sarm. Sarms cannot provide gains as effective as steroids. I always say that you need to take the side effect in proportion to the effect. A very effective drug has high side effects, a drug with few side effects has few side effects.

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