What to Consider When Injecting Steroids

injectable steroids

3 Min Read

Steroids are chemical substances that are commonly used in the sport of bodybuilding to strengthen and grow muscles. They are available in tablet and ampoule form. Steroids should never be substituted for food supplements. Because they are not food supplements, they are medicines. Originating in the 19th-20th centuries, these drugs were mostly used in wars to make soldiers stronger and their bodies more durable.

As for the benefits of such substances;

  • Provides rapid muscle development.
  • Increases performance in terms of advanced endurance and strength.
  • It helps fat burning indirectly.
  • Shortens rest periods by allowing muscles to recover faster.

Steroid Injection

Steroid injections are more potent than steroids in tablet form and steroid injections have a shorter duration of action. For this reason, the injection form of steroids is more preferred for bodybuilders.

How is Steroid Injection Done? What Should Be Considered?

Steroid injections can be made into the desired muscle with small injectors from the legs (if the fat ratio is low), hips, biceps, triceps and shoulder heads. It is mostly preferred to be done from the shoulders. If an injection is to be made alone, it is not recommended to be made from the buttocks because paralysis of the legs may be observed as a result of hitting the wrong place.

One of the points to be considered during injection is to insert the needle vertically into the body. The needle entering sideways may hit one of the main vessels and this may cause excessive bleeding.

After the needle is inserted, the first thing to do is to pull the piston of the syringe up a click and pay attention to whether blood comes out. If there is no blood, we can understand that the needle is in the right place. After injecting the medicine slowly, the needle should be removed slowly and pressure should be applied to the affected area for fifteen to twenty seconds with the help of a clean cotton ball. The medicine can be distributed with small massage movements.

It is recommended that people who do not have anatomy knowledge and experience should have these injections done by people who know.

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